The internet legal service platform of the law firm and lawyer of Wuxi China
Hotline:(86510)82833006 (0086)13861751657
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Contact Us

Our address: Room 2307,Wuxi Chamber of Commerce Building,Wuxi City,Jiangsu Province,China , Jiangsu LiangJin law firm

Location map:


Visiting traffic routes: Search for "Wuxi Chamber of Commerce Building" on the map, then drive, take a bus or subway to navigate to Wuxi Chamber of Commerce Building.

Contacts: lawyer Tao Xinhua

Mobile phone: (0086)13861751657

Tel: (86)510 82833006

QQ: 857442846

WeChat: wuxilawyertao (13861751657)

E-mail: (or

Post code: 214100

Chief Lawyer Online
lawyer Tao Xinhua
Tao Xinhua
Contact information

contacts: lawyer Tao Xinhua

MP: (0086)13861751657

Tel: (86)510 82833006

WeChat: wuxilawyertao (13861751657)


Address: Room 2307,Wuxi Chamber of Commerce Building,Wuxi City,Jiangsu Province,China , Jiangsu LiangJin law firm.

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